Los Angeles, California
Lyman Pl & Santa Monica Blvd, 2020-Present
N Westmoreland Ave & Santa Monica Blvd, 2017-2020 (xVermonica)
Vermont Ave & Santa Monica Blvd, 1993-2017
Streetlights, concrete, banners
30' x 120' x 3'
VERMONICA is named for the intersection where it was originally located, Vermont Avenue and Santa Monica Boulevard. Currently located at 4582 Santa Monica Boulevard at Lyman Place.

It is an Urban Candelabra. The installation, which is 120' long and 30' tall, is made of a selection of 25 streetlights from the City of Los Angeles. Some of the streetlights are current, others are rare examples of obsolete poles from the city's past. These 25 poles represent the diversity of the over 400 types currently in use in Los Angeles. The range of materials, styles and historical periods displayed in Vermonica hopes to encourage people to notice the variety and sculptural nature of the street lights they see every day, and to appreciate the efforts of the Bureau of Street Lighting.

Vermonica was conceived and executed by artist Sheila Klein. She incorporates the intimate domestic scale of candlesticks into an Urban Candelabra for the household of the street. Vermonica seeks to uncover romantic truths about the city. By accenting one overlooked layer of our environment, Klein encourages further consideration of all our urban layers.

To learn more about Vermonica's story, visit