City of West Hollywood, California & Port Angeles Fine Arts Center, Washington
Concept 1983, realized 2002
Concept 1983, realized 2002
Earrings 57" x 21" X 3" each
Earrings 57" x 21" X 3" each

Using nature as a pedestal for sculpture, a dressed-up palm tree becomes a figure.
The tree wears a collar that holds two classic teardrop earrings formed out of
aluminum sheet. A concept I came up with in the early 80's as a photo montage
and had the chance to realize to this extent in this temporary project "Hedges
and Edges", 20 years later.
The project was originally on a palm in West Hollywood before moving to a darker forest in the Pacific Northwest.
The project was originally on a palm in West Hollywood before moving to a darker forest in the Pacific Northwest.